Media Updates

Author: Capt. Kali D'or
Department: OTF Marketing

*JUAD* Just got the newest issue of the Star Trek Communicator, from our good friends at They have made some great changes to this magazine, they are celebrating 15 years of Star Trek:TNG with this issue and guess who's on the cover?

Jonathan Frakes, who will be back in on the big screen with all his best friends on the Enterprise E as they finish production for "Nenesis", reported to be opening 13 December, 2002. I'm not going to take up your time here paraphrasing and duplicating the excellent writing and reporting of all things Trek, as well as "spoiling" the story line, but if you can get your hands on a copy, read it!

There are also some really great features photos of the newest Enterprise episodes and a bit of an insight into the next season. And for you star-watchers out there, you can always find out who has been up to what in both the Star Trek Communicator and the Star Wars Insider, brought to you by Wizards of the Coast. Both these publications are top of the line and generally you can find out something that noone else has reported on.

Another advantage to subscribing to these magazines is that they are officially the "voice" of the official Star Wars and Star Trek sites online. If you don't want the hard copy, then for heavens sakes, go to the web sites for the most up to date info.

An alternate source of great information, for the Star Wars fans out there is the "Homing Beacon", an online, every 2-3 weeks or so, newsletter that comes directly to you at your email addy when you register as a member at Not sure if the Trek bunch have the same thing, but it would bear some investigating.

For you readers out there, the latest in the New Jedi Order series, Traitor was released in late July (Damn - this was a good one!!), and the next one, Destiny's Way is due in October, 2002. According to the pundits at DelRey books, the NJO series will run till sometime in 2003, but there is no end to the conflict in sight at this point.

Another great idea from the Star Wars Universe is the re-release of the original, 25 year old Star Wars comics from the Marvel comics series. This will be a 7 volume set, starting with "Doomworld" which was released in June, 2002.

We keep asking for Star Trek Readers/Reviewers - maybe this will get your attention! Another new series, DS9-Mission:Gamma is being augmented in October with books 3 and 4 of that series. Star Trek: The Captain's Peril is a new book by William Shatner and his "friends" about Kirk and his post "Oh hell, I'm dead and it was fun" era messing around in the TNG galaxy is coming in October as well. And Book 7 of the Gateways series is also due in October. Some good Paperback and hard-cover selections for the Trek reader!

Now, here's one I've been waiting for: Star Charts: The complete Atlas of Star Trek A complete astronomical guide that includes the Klingon and Romulan homeworlds as well as the routes traveled by The Enterprise, Enterprise D and Voyager. This one is probably going to cost a pretty penny, but is a must have! Sure wish the Star Wars gang would get on that bandwagon.

There is probably a heck of alot more going on out there with the newest installments in Harry Potter and the Lord of the Rings movies, new episodes of Farscape, Stargate, old re-runs of Xena, and some really good sci-fi movies and old black and white series (do we still remember the 1/2 hour episides of the original Twilight Zone and all those old Doctor Who episodes (that I never saw) that still grab our attention.

So, if you are interested in keeping up with the media events happening in our corner of the Galaxy/universe, want to research and write for the Tribune, keep your friends and fans up to date on whats happening out there in all areas of the media, let us know. Volunteers are welcome!! You do NOT have to be a member of a department to write for the Tribune!

Contact The Editor with your ideas, suggestions, and of course, your willingness to help us out to make OTF an even better place to spend some time!
