Marketing 101

Author: Capt. Kali D'or
Department: Director of Marketing - OTF

I think this is the 4th article I have written in the past month on the Marketing Division of the Administration arm of the Executive Council of Outpost 10F. Darned if that doesn't sound important. Actually, it is and it isn't. There have been quite a few questions recently regarding exactly who we are and what we do. If you're not bored yet, here's the answers to some of those queries:

1. The Marketing Division is part of the Executive Council. This group was created a year ago by the EC to help promote, advertise and Market OTF on the internet and the real world of potential new members, as well as get the word out that we are a fun place to chat and spend time with friends.

2. The Marketing Division answers directly to the EC, and is the EC Liason to the Communications Department. That means the Marketing Director and staff get to talk to and work with the appropriate members of the COMM teams and projects to make sure that information is given to the members of our community clearly, on time, accurately and with a sense of humor (if you know the COMM team, you know that is really easy!)

3. At the present time, the Tribune is undergoing a re-design (hope you like what we have done so far!) and, as the previous editor resigned before we could get this project off the ground, The Director of Marketing has assumed the interim title of OTF Editor. Eventually, as soon as we find the right members, we will announce an Editor, as well as a Technical Assistant as permanent members of the Publishing Team of the COMM Dept.

4. In addition to this project, we will be revitalizing the "Vote for OTF" methods so that we can again take our place as one of the top Sci-Fi/Fantasy web sites on the Internet. More on that when we decide how we are going to approach that one.

5. One area that has, to date, been under-utilized, is working with the individual departments to assist in advertising and marketing internally the OTF projects, sites and events to generate even more member participation. This part of our job goes hand-in-hand with selling OTF outside our "virtual chat space". Once all the bells and whistles of v2 are complete, we will begin working together with the Dept. Sr. Managers and project leaders to see how we can use the internet and real world connections to increase our visibility.

6. The most recent addition to our list of things to do will be to work closely with, and evaluate all the new project ideas that will be proposed to the Logistics Division. As new sites are developed, we will be assured that they are "marketable" to our members, and will be an asset to the community as a sales tool. Its really great to have all these projects and pages and sites on the OTF server, but if noone knows they are there, and the members don't visit, why build them?

For the moment, thats it in a nutshell. The Marketing Director is assisted by the Asst. Director, Capt. Tierce (a.k.a. Mr. Wizard), the Loyal Minion Lt. Jaden, and our Research Assistant. Lt. Cmdr. Gremlin (on loan from ENT when needed).We are always looking for new talent, new ideas, suggestions and assistance. So, if you think you have what it takes to sell Outpost10F - send us a note! We'd love to hear from you.
