Logistics: Help Desk

Author: CL5 Sidne
Department: Help Desk Operator-Logistics

Ever since v2 released in July, the Help Desk has been working to keep everyone appraised of the new changes throughout the Outpost. All reports of bugs are sent to the Help Desk and we send them to the appropriate people to fix the bugs. In times like this, we must differentiate between the Help Desk and the Suggestion Box.

The Help Desk is here to answer questions about standard chat functions and anything relating to v2, whereas the Suggestion Box is there for people to submit suggestions about improving the Outpost. Each day, the Help Desk have an average of ten to twelve messages. At least eight of these are v2-related and the rest are usually general questions.

Some of the things that the Help Desk does NOT do are:

Help you find your lost log in codes
Advance your chances for promotion
Sign you up for a department
Referee conflicts and fusses between members
Help you get rid of a virus or bug on your comp

Some of the things that the Help Desk DOES do are:

Help you navigate the new pages and systems of v2
Answer questions about how to put something in your Dossier, or update its contents
Tells you where to find information that may have been moved to another area or department

The Help Desk has been open since April 2002 and is managed by Logisitics. The current project manager is Lieutenant Commander Sidne, the Imperial minion of Logisitcs.

Don't forget to visit the Help Desk with all your Outpost questions!
