The internet is a vast field of knowledge and sometimes its size is a browser’s biggest enemy. That is the reason that search engines were created. You enter what you’re looking for and then the search engine searches for the best possible answers to your inquiry. It’s the communication between the search engine and the website that makes search engines so successful. Communication between the Shuttlebay, Outpost10f’s own search engine, and Sci-Fi websites happens through the Awards Team.
With all the work that we do in the Awards Team, it still shocks me when an OTF member has no idea about the Shuttlebay or what my monthly posts on Department Updates are all about. I personally joined in December of 2000 when the great KittyKat was still in charge of this
little corner of the Communications Department. I’ve had basically everyposition in this
team that a person can have and now am the Team Leader, but my job is just a small part of what makes this team.
One of the older members of the Communications Department on the team is Lieutenant T’Ale Spier. With the new version of OTF, she was moved from her previous team to Awards. T’Ale is a dedicated worker and we’re lucky to have her. Her title in the team is the Shuttlebay Editor. When reports and submitted websites come in, T’Ale jumps into action. She evaluates them for family-friendly content and the basic layout of the website. If she feels that this is a good website then she will add it to the Shuttlebay for its users. T’Ale is also in charge of making sure all the URLs work and keeping up on the OTF links that are ever changing. This is not an easy job, I can assure you, as I held this position before becoming
the Team Leader.
Two of our newer members are Lt. Commander Monny and Lieutenant Jaro Warren. They do the same job, but for opposite ends of the genre. Jaro is our Star Wars person and Monny, although she is Star Wars affiliated for her membership to OTF, is our Star Trek person. Their jobs are to submit ten websites, Sci-Fi or from their genre, to both T’Ale and I. This isn’t as easy as it sounds either. These two people have combed through the internet looking for websites just worthy of being even looked at for the Shuttlebay. Their dedication is admirable.
From T’Ale’s work on the Shuttlebay and to the reports received, this is where my job comes in as the Team Leader. Once a month you will see a post from me on the Department Updates about monthly awards. I take websites from both Jaro and Monny into a running for awards. Out of the best of those, I put the best three of each subject into categories (OTF Members,
Sci-Fi, Star Trek, and Star Wars) as the first, second, and third place winner. I then email the winners, post the winners on the Department Updates, and keep the Awards Team website updated.
I hope that this has explained why one of the least known teams is one of the hardest working teams. So next month when you see the awards posted on the Updates, know that it isn’t just a once a month thing for the Awards Team. We’re always constantly in search of the best Sci-Fi websites the internet has to offer. This is a daunting task and that’s why we really appreciate help from submitted websites. So as an OTFer use that Shuttlebay,
submit those websites, and visit the winners. We, as the Awards Team of the Communications Department, wouldn’t want it any other way.
The Awards Team
Submit A Website