The Outpost Library

Author: Capt. Kali D'or
Department: Project Leader
Writer's Guild - Counseling

The Outpost Library is a project listed under the Writers Guild, which is part of the Academy of the Guilds, which is managed by the Counseling Department of Outpost10F. Believe it or not, The Library was the original idea of our own Admiral Maxwell, and in its first incarnation, was called the Book Nook. This project was initially managed by the COMM Department, and only contained book reviews from the Star Trek genre'.

When OTF was "globalized" in the summer of 2000, the Book Nook dropped off the radar for a while, but with a little prodding and poking, came back as the Outpost Library in April, 2001. At that time, we had a staff of about 4. We started with 26 reviews, opened with 75, and now feature over 375 and counting.

The Library now features sections devoted to Star Trek (all 4 series, the movies, and all books); Star Wars (both the Classic Trilogy and Expanded Universe - from the Sith Wars, thru Episodes I-III, and the New Jedi Order, as well as all the graphic novels we can find); Horror and Haunts, Classic and new Science Fiction, Fantasy, and the newest addition, Good Books.

This month, we would like to feature the Star Trek Section. Until recently, we didn't get much response to our requests for reviews of Trek Books, especially DS9 and Voyager. We revamped the Voyager section to include the New Frontier Series and, as we get them, any books based on the new Enterprise television series. Some new readers/writers are offering their opinions and skills and we hope that trend will continue.

. Right now, there are 2 new Star Trek books series that are worth reading: The Eugenics Wars and the Avatar Series. The Eugenics Wars details the history of one of the best ST bad guys, Khan Noonian Singh. First introduced in an origial TV series episode, he came back to haunt James T. Kirk and the Enterprise in the ST movie The Wrath of Khan. Now, we can go back and find out where he came from. Book 1 of that series is in the Library - we hope someone will take on the next one and read and review it - pretty please. Avatar is a 2 book set that tells the story of what happens aboard Deep Space 9 immediately after the end of the last episode of the television series. Ben Sisko is gone, Cassidy is pregnant, Kira is in charge, Odo is gone and things are still happening that aren't quite right. I think we found a volunteer for this set - so watch the DS9 section for those reviews soon.

I KNOW the Ten Forward chatters can read!! Please, help us - there are over 400 Star Trek Books in print, and more coming out all the time. Even if you read one and didn't like it - review it. Share your opinions with our community - it won't hurt - we promise *eg*.
