From the Editor

Author: Capt. Kali D'or
Department: Director of Marketing

It seems, over the past year, that I have written a little bit of something for each department except InDev (we all know that Henri is picky about technical skills so I don't qualify over there) and ISA (since I don't use the armory, only words, does that count?).

I now find myself in the unenviable position of launching the "new and improved" OTF Tribune with what are, I suppose, to be words of wisdome or some such profound stuff that will inspire you to read the whole thing. This is what my parents sent me to college for - so they say.


I want to go back a year, to 11 September, 2002. The events of that morning have changed each and every one of us. We all look at each other, at our lives, friends and families, our surroundings, differently now. And we all remember where we were and what we were doing when the USA was attacked.

I was in a high-rise hotel in downtown Charlotte, NC, getting ready for a sales appointment, on line in Ten Forward with the early morning regulars/lunch-time chatters overseas. I had NBC's Today Show on for a little background noise when I heard the news, live. I saw the replay of the first airplane hit the Trade Tower, and then saw the 2nd one crash. And I was scared.

There I was, in one of the tallest hotels, across the street from the biggest building (Bank of America Tower) between Atlanta and New York City, in the financial center of the Southeast USA. What do I remember? What was most important to me?

My friends in TF! They worried, they prayed, they cared. More and more came into the chat room, sharing information, asking questions. I was amazed at the speed the BBC, CNN and the rest of the global news networks caught and broadcast the stories. I stayed on-line, watching the TV, typing on the laptop, waiting to see what else could possibly happen next. Then the plane crashed in a field in Pennsylvania. Little did we know at the time, what really happened aboard that aircraft. When the word was given to evacuate Charlotte, I packed up and left, with instructions to "take care, drive safe, and check in" as soon as I got to my sister's house 2 hours north.

Yes, I do remember 9/11, and all the horror and pain and heroism that went on for days and weeks and months. But I also remember, with great affection, every kind word, the care and concern and reassurance that came to me through cyber-space; across oceans and borders and state lines - to one member who was on her own, afraid and a long long way from home.

Looking back now, a year later, I realize one very important thing, and that is the message I want to share with everyone. I was NOT alone. I had OTF, I had friends, old and new, who were, and are, still there for each and every one of us as members of an international and global community.

As individuals, we may not always agree. Some days, we probably don't even want to talk to each other, or work on a project or finish an assignment, or put in the hours in the chats to get the next promotion. But when "push comes to shove", when one, or any or all of us are in trouble or need - we ARE there. We ARE a community. We genuinely do give a damn about each other as real people, with real lives, real hopes and dreams, fears and frustrations, and we share the bad times and the good times - together.

We are members of Outpost10F, for all our ups and downs, similarities and differences, we are one FAMILY and we should be very proud of ourselves and our community as we look back at the past year. We have accomplished alot! v2 is in place, we are moving forward, we have weathered many a storm inside the safe walls of our "virtual chat space" and in the real world.

Don't ever forget - Remember this past year, honor the memories of so many that we didn't know, who are no longer part of ANY community, except in the memories of family, friends and co-workers. Respect each other as we interact, work together, fuss and argue, sim and chat. We are all here, but only for a finite time. Nothing lasts forever - make the most of every hour of every day here in OTF with your friends, and out there in the real world.

Take care - Travel safe - Hugs and Chocolates!
