The Film Guild - What is it?

Author: Lt. Cmdr. Dracmus
Department: Project Leader

The Film Guild is the newest project of the Academy of Guilds. The Film Guild is a place where you can find reviews about movies, tv series and biographies of people who work in the movie industry. From the inception of the Sci-Fi genre' in 1902 till now, we will explore films from around the world and inform our members of the good and the bad. The goal for the Film Guild will be to have everything concerning the movie industry from movies to the camera, from the drawing to the computer, from the nitpickers to the critics.

The largest group of members write Film (movie) reviews in the genre of science fiction, fantasy, action/adventure and anime. More sections will be added in the future. We also have a smaller group writing for science fiction/fantasy tv series reviews. Our last group is writing biographies: "Lights, Camera, Action". We hope to get all the people in there who gave something to the movie industry, from directing, special effects, script writing, etc. to new techniques, digital film-making, sound tracks and all the things that make up what you see on the screen.

The special thing about the Film Guild is any member can write a review as long as they follow the guidelines. First you contact the Film Guild for approval on a film so that we don't have duplicates. Then submit your review, format it. You do not have to be a staff member of the Film Guild, nor a member of the Counseling Department to write for Film Guild and rank is of no consequence as all.

The Film Guild's purpose is to provide our community with a wide variety of Sci-Fi films that some may not have seen, and to direct you in new paths where you may not have gone before. Keep your eyes open for new sections opening in the future. Film Guild can always use more reviews.

Due to some small technical difficulties, the Film Guild will be opening later this September. Please watch the boards for our "Grand Opening" announcement!
