Fan Club Update

Author: Spot the Cat
Department: Roving Reporter

It seems that, by either choice or design, the Star Trek Star Wars, Sci-Fi and/or Fantasy fan seems to gravitate together into a herd of like beings. And these groups call themselves "fan clubs". Cats, being solitary creatures, don't necessarily understand this group gathering stuff. I have been hired (actually bribed with promises of fresh tuna steaks) to investigate this behavior, and what they do once they all end up in the same place.

I did a little tiptoeing across a keyboard and foud one such bunch that caught my attention. The 501st Legion is one of the most easily recognized Star Wars clubs, mainly because they actually wear Stormtrooper armor! Of course, the few nattily attired Imperial officers are around to maintain control and act as moving targets for any tomato throwing rebel in the audience. Speaking of rebels, they have an affilitated costuming group called The Rebel Legion which represents the other side of the coin. These guys, according to their web site, "engage in costuming in the spirit of fan fellowship and spread Star Wars costuming in the mundane Universe."

The nice thing about this organization is that they are not just a bunch of geeks running around in silly white plastic suits and red capes. They actually DO something! They visit children's hospitals, work on fund raising for the "Make of a Wish Foundation" and other charity events.

They have chapters in all 50 US states as well as 21 countries. And a pretty slick website where you can find out everything! Locate a chapter near you, buy or build a costume, great pictures, media updates, events and conventions, guest appearances, etc. These guys have their act together!

I am going to ring them up and do a little personal reconnoitering myself. Maybe we can get a guest appearance out of them. Did you know that their "Official" leader is really, honest to goodness David Prowse, the original guy in the black helmet and cape. Now that is "impressive, most impressive"

If you are a member of a Star Trek, Star Wars, Sci-Fi or Fantasy fan club, or if you have a friend who is, let us know. We would like to open real conversations with these organizations but one little orange kitty just can't cover the whole galaxy on her own. An email to the Tribune with your thoughts, suggestions and comments is welcome at

Next Month - Star Trek!
