Star Effects

Author: Lt. Gentry
Department: Engineering, Media Resources

Star Trek, is something I feel is an important part of my life, its something which helps me in more ways than I'm sure is intended. How is it, that a television program shown usually once a week for an hour, has such a profound effect on somebody's life, can it really affect somebody's life?

I think I am living witness to this - it can. In fact many famous people claim to watch it and enjoy it. I guess it's obvious that Star Trek is a success since it has 5 series and 10 moves, but that's not what I'm here to talk about, you already know this. Let me ask you a question! Do you remember your life before Star Trek, and if so, do you think your life will have taken a different direction without it?

Iknow, I know, it brings me back to my earlier question, can a show really change your life and the way you view life. Please let me explain some lessons I believe Star Trek has though me, some lessons I'm sure you will agree are ones we all need to learn.

Race and sex is the first and foremost thing that is presented to us in the very first Star Trek and it runs throughout the rest of the series. In fact I'm sure alot you expected me to talk of this as a lesson. Well to be honest, I never would have though of race as something that defines someone, a person is defined by who they are as a person, but I won't get into that debate. In the very first Star Trek you see different races working together without any issues; they work as humans (or whatever) and as a team. that is a very important point Star Trek makes to all of us. Sex, male or female, they all have the same rights. Star Trek Voyager displayed a woman in the Captains chair and Deep Space Nine portrayed a black Captain, The next Generation featured a bald white man!!!. The Irish also saw a regular Irish character, Chief O'Brien and as an Irish person he made me proud.

So what else is there? Of course there is more that race in Star Trek, its about exploration. Life is about exploration; we meet new people. We learn what we need to do to live our lives. We loose the path, we walk down the wrong road, we lie and face the trouble, or we lie and live with the trouble inside us.Star Trek is a way to meet new friends - if you like Star Trek it gives you something to talk to a friend about, an Episode of Star Trek can leaving you wondering what happened and may happen in the next Episode. Outpost 10f is a site i first visited in 1999 and belived it to be a great community. In 2000 I came back and joined - I have been a member some time. For me, its about the friends, its fun to work in a cyber world, I love working in Engineering, designing websites and discussing new projects.

Star Trek has bought many riches to my life. In Star Trek we see all these things that we associate with real life but we must remember, at the end of the day it is still a television show - one which holds great powers but we our selves must make our own Trek. And that is what Star Trek has taught me. Here is to Star Trek. May it remain a part of us all.

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