Counseling updates

Author: Commodore Zilette
Department: Counseling


Looking back to the past from the start of my participation in the Counseling Department I would be remiss if I did not give recognitionto the founders: Kassandra, who was our esteemed leader, Deanna, RDMG,Kat. Later to add me, Zilette, and then Honey.

From six ladies we slowly evolved from a single homepage to an extensive realm of diverse projects you see today. It was the fertile imaginations of our staff that gives you what we have at present. Raederle first conceived of the idea of the Writers Guild as that was her passion even though she was not on the Counseling staff - back then we didn't have a staff.

Rae's idea evolved into her conception of a set of guilds...the Actors Guild, Poetry, Artists, Music. Later Joshua Hal came to me and reminded us that Counseling was recognizing all the members but had forgotten those behind the scenes; hence came Programmers Guild which is now named Web Development Guild, and finally our long awaited Film Guild.

We also acquired the Library, a successful project headed by Kali D'Or,which had been sitting without a lot of attention. It started with 35 reviews and is now well over 350 spread over 7 sections. We do however, still await our SimMax which is to be a special chat for simming events where we will have the avatars for enhancing sims, and special events.

The Counseling Department has become a vital part of the Outpost10F community. Through the wonderful people that give so freely of their time and efforts to the chatters and the hours online that they spend- unseen by the general membership. To some it may appear we are not there but that is not the case at all. There is hardly a counselor that can step in the chats that immediately does not find someone asking to speak to them. Unfortunately, most times that means leaving the chat for a private/confidential conversation, to listen and hopefully show the friendship needed to those who need a shoulder. Funny how many don't realize we are really there, but how does one show all the icq, msn, and aim hours?

We have never lost our focus of our purpose to the community and that is to be here for the members. Each project ever created in counseling was always with the idea "can this help the members participate and feel a bond and special part of the Outpost?" We are dependant on the membership. Each project would win or fail if it was not for the participation of our members. The Counseling Department thanks the wonderful participants for a successful year. We are there for you.

Commodore Zilette
Sr. Manager
The Counseling Dept.
