Conventions, Gatherings and Special Events

Author: The Evil Twin
Department: Pick One

For those of you who have been living on some really out of the way planet, the biggest Star Wars event this year was the 2nd Annual Star Wars Celebration, held in May, 2002 in Indianapolis, IN, USA. This was a 3 day-long weekend event that not only celebrated another year in the continuing success of the Star Wars universe, but also served as a pre-event to the opening of "Attack of the Clones".

Over 27,000 fans attended this event what featured an 8 minute pre-screening of AOTC and a presentation by Rick McCallum discussing the technological innovations that have made movie making bigger-better-faster!

There were special events for the RGP fans, shoppers and collectors, special appearances by some of our favorite actors (Carrie Fisher, Hayden Christenson) and Anthony Daniels was the droid of the weekend as Master of Ceremonies. Another one of the high points of the event was the Hasbro?Kenner Star Wars toys and collectibles museum.

Presentations were made to the amateur Fan Films, selected by George Lucas and his cast of minions. You may have seen this special episode on the Sci-Fi channel broadcast in May just prior to the opening of ATOC.

Fans were everywhere, in and out of costume, and as we move forward with new editions of the Tribune, we wil be featuring some of these groups, and sharing OTF with them. At this writing, we are still awaiting the dates and location for next years' event - stay tuned for more on this event, and all the other Star Wars conventions and gatherings planned over the next year.

Moving on to Star Trek - these guys have been really busy with a huge event in Canada this past July. Since we/I did not have the chance to personally attend, I can't tell you what happened, who was there, or when the next big one like that will be. Hopefully, some of our OTF members who did get to that event will share their excperiences inthe next edition of the Tribune - any volunteers?

Just got the newest issue of the Star Trek Communicator, from our friends and the "know-it-all's" when it comes to all thing Trek and Wars. And have they got a convention schedule for us!!!

The Official 15th Anniversary of ST: The Next Generation at the Pasadena Centere, Pasadena, Calif. USA 27-29 September, 2002

Star Trek, Xena and Sci-Fi show with William Shatner, Nana Visitor, Walter Koenig, George Takei at the Ford Performing Arts Center, Dearborn MI 25-27 October, 2002

Annual Official Farscape Convention, 22-24 November, 2002, Burbank, CA

32nd Annual Creation Show! featuring Farscape, 29-20 November, 2002, New York City

Creationm comes to London - Giant Star Trek and Sci-Fi Convention!! Hilton Metropole Hotel, London; 3-5 January, 2003

Annual Star Trek and Sci-Fi Show - Sacramento, Calif. 17-19 January, 2003

Annual Official Xena Convention, Pasadena, Calif., 7-9 February, 2003

Creation Salutes Star Trek and Sci-Fi., Seattle WA, 28 Feb-2 March, 2003

Annual Star Trek Grand Slam "The most famous Star Trek event in the World!" Pasadena, CA. 28-30 March, 2003

And this one I just love (wish I had more $$$) A Star Trek Cruise!! 1-8 June, 2003 to HAWAII.

So there you have it, places to go, things to do, people to see. And a perfect opportunity to hand out OTF stuff, flyers, cards, notes, our URL, etc. Get the Picture??? and someday, if we all work hard and do good, we will be opne of the exhibitors at these events.

Now, the challenge is, for all you OTF members, is to help us find the smaller and less publicised events, gatherings and conventions in your local area, and tell us about it! Who knows, you could be one of our roving reporters! If you are interested, email us here at the otf Tribune and we'll put you to work.

And for the most up to date information on these BIG events, you can always check or for the Star Trek events. These guys are the experts!
