What is Communication to Outpost 10F?

Author: Robert Griffith
Department: Communications

What comes to mind when you think of the word "Communication"? For me, I think of the electronic media of our day: the telephone, fax machine, internet browsers, e-mail, and all of those other devices that give us the ability to talk to someone who is a world away in the same fashion in which we talk to a friend a mile down the road. It is now possible to pick up the phone and call someone five thousand miles away and have a clear conversation, or to bring several dozen people, many hailing from different countries, together in a chat room for a round of cybernetic drinks.

At Outpost 10F, the word "Communication" is applied in broad context to the continuing efforts of a select group of talented individuals working to bring all the resources of Outpost 10F to bear in a service dedicated to providing our fellow members with a myriad of resources such as the Suggestion Box, Shuttlebay Search Engine, Outpost 10F Unions, Tribune, Convention Project, and the new Archives Section.

Recently, I was able to speak with the Manager of Communications, Clearance Level Six KittyKat, about the true mission of the Communications Department. This is what she had to say, "The Communications Department is committed to keeping the members of the Outpost accurately informed and updated on all events and issues within the Community, as well as bringing them the best sci-fi and fantasy sites the web has to offer. In addition, we are here to greet new members, to make them feel comfortable, and to give them a guide for having fun in their respective genre."

Searching for another viewpoint, I spoke briefly with Sym, the former Senior Manager of Communications, about what his take on Communications' Job was. "Communications began life as a way in which the chat community could communicate with each other and the outside world. This was achieved through early keynote projects such as Trivia and the Public Relations Team, then known as the Alpha Team. Since then, it has stayed true to its original vision, functioning as an adjunct to and facilitator of the OTF community with such vital projects as the Tribune and the Yearbook."

Since the unveiling of v2 in July of this year, the Communications Department, commonly referred to as "Comms", has been busier than ever, revamping the Tribune, building and improving on our past projects, updating various websites, and coordinating future endeavors with the Executive Council, including the creation of Greeting Cards.

Communication is important in any relationship, and our relationship with you is important to us. If you would like to join Communications, please visit their website for more information.
