Classified Advertising

Author: The Members
Department: None Needed

This is the section of the tribune where we will display all the advertising of the members' skills and talents. If you are a whiz at perl or Flash, this is the place for you to advertise your skills.

If you know how to get those finicky images into your dossier, and want to help the less technically inclined peeps, put your ad here!

Are you really good with graphics? Can you design logos? build really nifty pages? This is where it goes

Of course, if you are also inclined to assist a member with a school type project, on-line tutoring, help in researching a project, or anything else you are really good at or like to do, send in your info and you'll have more to do than you can imagine.

So, get ready to get busy - Advertising works - Trust the Trib :)
