Executive Editorial

Author: Octavius Piraeus, Commander in Chief
Department: Administration

Greetings OTFers!

The recent release of the wonderful version 2 design of Outpost 10F is a great milestone in the development of this site and a representation of how truly remarkable this community has grown and developed since the very beginning. So much has changed since the days of Andrew and myself running a simple Star Trek chat room. That room has long since grown not only in size and membership but has developed into a truly extraordinary community of people from all over the globe. This incredible accomplishment is due to one thing alone - the effort and support of you, the membership.

From the top down, Outpost 10F is run by talented and passionate individuals from around the world. From the leadership and enthusiasm of the Executive Council to the department managers, members and individual chatters, everyone has contributed in some way to what the site is now. It is easy to get caught up in individual projects and day-to-day or lose perspective on just how far we've come. Just take a step back and look at the major milestones accomplished in the past years:

· 1997 - Ten Forward, the interactive Star Trek chat room opens as one of the coolest Star Trek chat rooms offering ranks, promotions, an interactive bar, and armory.
· 1999 - The tremendous growth and popularity of the site allowed for the purchase and use of an individualized URL and the christening of the name Outpost 10F.
· 1999 - Outpost 10F members meet in person for the first of many unions. A second chat room, the Cloud City Cantina is opened for Star Wars fans.
· 2000 - Outpost 10F gradually switches to the Executive Council based leadership allowing greater depth and involvement of decisions by long term members.
· 2001 - Outpost 10F secures enough support from members to move to its own server. · 2002 - Version 2 is launched with extensive information systems integration allowing greater usability and expansion for the site and its members.

This summarized list is impressive to say the least, and even more so when taking into account that all this was achieved through the coordination and efforts of our members through their own spare time and enthusiasm. This all has been made possible by the Outpost's greatest asset, the strong sense of pride and community among our members. One would be hard pressed to find any other site on the Internet that matches OTF in this regard, or has accomplished so much in such a short period of time. With such outstanding individuals, I am excited about the possibilities of seeing this community continue to grow and develop into one of the finest sci-fi sites on the Internet. I am also looking forward to the unveiling of several more unique and significant additions to the Outpost in which some of our members have been working diligently on. These projects will be unveiled in the near future which I hope you will enjoy. Stay tuned and bravo OTF!
