Annual Ceremonies Awards

Author: The Admiralty
Department: Administation


The following members were presented with Select Medals for their efforts over the past year.


Henri (CL8)
Henri's work over the past year, especially for the v2 project, has been simply outstanding. After Joshua Hal retired from active membership, someone needed to step up and fill the void left behind. Henri has risen to the occasion and has provided the community with timely technical service, programming skills, and database development knowledge crutial to the success of v2.

Kali (CL7)
Set with a wealth of knowledge in the marketing and sales fields, Kali has brought needed experience to Outpost 10F in light of the vision plan. Over the past year Kali has worked extremely hard on a handful of administrative aspects, including but not limited to the vision plan, v2, SOP/Constitution, and various administrative documents and issues. Kali's efforts are apparent throughout the community and will play a key role in the upcoming year.

Babel (CL7)
Dedication and passion are two words that accurately describe what Babel brings to the Executive Council and Outpost 10F. Babel has participated in many key projects over the past year, most noteably the vision plan. Babel, alongside Kali, spent hours conceiving and documenting these community "blueprints." In addition, his initiative to improve various aspects of the community has always been apparent and is fully recognized and appreciated by the Executive Council.

Lindax (CL7)
Lindax's design skills were once again demonstrated brilliantly in the v2 project. Her contributions to Outpost 10F in this project are outstanding and are reflected in the new homepage and page template. She has also worked tirelessly on several other important, soon to be released projects.

Jon (CL7)
Jon has proven himself to be a solid community leader. Not only has he demonstrated himself to be a productive senior manager (ISA), but has also stepped up into Internal Development and played a key role in the lauch of v2. Jon focused on upgrading our existing security systems and introducing several new ones. His knowledge in programming and databases and efforts in these areas have made v2 all the more better and made the InDev team stronger.

Crazy Texan (CL7)
Crazy Texan (aka CT) has once again this year demonstrated his solid leadership skills by leading the ISA until the beginning of this year and working as both a DSC and SC in the Executive Council. Not only has he made a major impact in ISA protocol and approach, but he's also taken the initiative to get the Welcoming Committee going (alongside JJ) and lead the CCC in a professional yet fun manner.

KittyKat (CL7)
KittyKat has demonstrated her outstanding management skills by providing leadership and a vision for the Communications department. Her success in this area is accurately reflected by the top notch project roster and an efficient and streamline department.


Zilette (CL8), TeeKay (CL8), RDMG (CL8), Sonata Form (CL8), JJ (CL7), Jayne (CL7), Glenn (CL7), Tierce (CL7), Lucas (CL7), Smile (CL7), Ika (CL7), Dommy (CL6), SuzyQ (CL6), Shaker (CL6), Rubicon (CL6), Talythia (CL6), Hongjun (CL6), Pace (CL6), Toddy (CL6), Sym (CL6), Amanda Sielu Paris (CL5), Zahra (CL5), Leeta (CL5), Zandetta (CL5), Richard (CL5), Lee York (CL5)


Camila (CL7), Tigris (CL7), RQ (CL7), Michiel (CL6), Monny (CL6), Robin (CL6), Amaris (CL6), JD (CL6), Raederle (CL6), Aquila (CL6), Cybersix (CL6), Jor (CL6), Mathew Rose (CL6), Sidne (CL5), Lzrman (CL5), Logan (CL5), Scully (CL5), Ryo Crimson (CL5), Andy Freeman (CL5), Mezoti (CL5), Data (CL5), MPF (CL5), James Q Soul (CL5), Shakeycat (CL5), Kaela (CL5), Rock (CL5), Eagle (CL5), Kamin (CL5), Osiris (CL5), Q (only purple) (CL5), Demon Slayer (CL5), Drongo (CL5), Jade Dagger (CL5), Mirax (CL5), Robbie (CL5), Lorgar (CL5), Dan (CL5), Zulin Jinn (CL5), missMaul (CL5), Robert Griffiths (CL4), Shyva (CL4), Aesira (CL4), Eggburt (CL4), Hal Horn (CL4), Jan (CL4), Jinna (CL4), Nobbe (CL4), T'Val (CL4), V'ger (CL4), Vex Aldrin (CL4), Wraith (CL4), Zekk Draco (CL4), Zildjian (CL4), Gentry (CL4), Char (CL4), Katelyn Richards (CL4), Shaun Atkins (CL4), M'Tabek (CL3)


Joshua Hal (CL8), Dominic (Cl6), Dierna (CL6), Dookie (CL6), Komonda (CL5), Alec Solo (CL5), Servilcat (CL5), Bilbo (CL5), Gremlin (CL5), Aussie Lore (CL5), Jaina (CL5), Katy (CL5), Jenna Zan Arbor (CL5), Gok'Nor (CL5), Korsch (CL5), T'Ale Spier (CL4), Kapeka (CL4), Kimba (CL4), Thelys Valeera (CL4), Wenche Eden Williams (CL4), Morahl (CL4), Tobeon (CL4), Ziptieman (CL4), Trinity (CL4), Rozokov (CL4), Jarek (CL4), Qatt (CL4), Korny (CL4), jc (CL4), ToveY (CL4), Majin Fett (CL4), DeBoe (CL4), Darth Kueller (CL4), Eon Blue Apocalypse (CL4), CHRISTENA (CL4), A.J. Rimmer (CL4), Matt (CL4), Kabe (CL4), Jade Skywalker (CL4), Seth Skywalker (CL4), Jadzia Jones (CL4), Dash Rendar (CL4), Steven Norton (CL4), Michael Chacren (CL4), Hydralisk (CL4), Thrawn376 (CL4), Dark_Xevis (CL4), Darth Nemesis (CL4), Pheeble aTemps (CL4), Capo (CL4), Plugboy (CL4), Munro (CL4), Mike Thompson (CL4), Leia (CL4), Axel Luxian Aldrin (CL4), Destiny (CL4), Nick548 (CL4), Warlord Thrawn (CL4), RAGE (CL4), Jaina Kenobi (CL4), Gary Seven (CL4), Luc Deathstryke (CL4), Murdicus (CL4), Bould Bowsie (CL4), Sheriff Rebecca Loxley (CL4), Lachesis (CL4), princess_leia_organa (CL4), Anthony Whelan Sun (CL4), HAL (CL4)


