Cloud City Cantina updates

Author: Captain Crazy Texan
Department: Administrations

Greetings from SW Sector Command

This has been an exciting several months of change in the Cloud City Cantina. Outpost10f v2 has brought about changes in the login apperance as well as similar aesthetics like the Star Trek chatrooms. Thanks to Darth Damos for his work on the login graphics. The Welcoming text from Lando on the login page was revised by me and I hope to have more changes to announce at OTF v2 Phase III release, the OTF Anniversary in August, the CCC Anniversary on September 4, or whenever I have some good news to report! As much as I would like to tell you every detail of what is on the horizon for the CCC, I can't. Always in motion is the future, and it's best for everyone to be surprised. So don't anticipate, participate. All will be revealed in due time...

Unfortunately with positive changes come a few negative changes. Darth Damos, the CCC Sector Commander stepped down from his position to focus on school, work, and other projects, therefore I stepped up as his successor. (Rumors of him being assassinated by Imperial Noghri Death Commandos have not been confirmed, nor denied.) Taking my previous role as Deputy Sector Commander is Captain Glenn, former SW Security Task Force Leader, and ISA Assistant Director. I'm pleased to be working with Glenn again as we have before in CCC Security and the ISA Department.

Thank you all for your patience and support as we settle into our new positions in SW Sector Command.

We also decided to shut down the Jedi Program in hopes of restructuring it, or creating an alternative that all of the CCC patrons will enjoy. Stay tuned to the Updates Board...

Any suggestions, comments, or complaints can be sent to myself or Glenn as we do our best to improve the Cloud City Cantina. We would like to hear your ideas, so send in a suggestion via the OTF Suggestion Box.

May the Force be with you...

Captain Crazy Texan
CCC Sector Commander

Captain Glenn
CCC Deputy Sector Commander
