
Author: Lt. jg Leigh
Department: Communications/Tribune Staff

I was asked to write my thoughts for a guest editorial, and yet I find myself a blank. In today's world with so much going on I can't find a subject with yet to discuss. But perhaps in that is my subject.

Have we as a collective race been bombarded by far too many stimuli? Has it stopped us concentrating upon what is important? Have we started to ignore the things that are most precious to us? Are we simply turning into a collective race of people that simply stare into a screen, not making human contact or developing our social skills? Are devices such as television and the Internet turning us into electronic zombies?

Well I would like to say no, I don't regard myself as brain dead, or lacking in social skills. Its true that perhaps that we don't sit around the fire and discuss the events of the day with our family, however is that not just simply a sign of the times. Those who were present in Victorian times would not have lifted their clubs and ventured outside to kill their meal, nor would they have wanted to. Instead I think that perhaps we should embrace the changing times as progress, instead of being confined within our family's small circle we now have an ever growing and expanding list of peeps who we can call friends.

I, on the 10f website can exchange views with peeps across the world, and surely that's an improvement. Why? Because instead of being surrounded by the views and insights of those whom I have always known I get the insight of hundreds of different cultures and upbringings without engaging any of the other prejudices that are instilled into us from birth. This has to be an improvement because it means that not only is the world getting closer but also we as a race are becoming better educated and more accepting because in the anonymous world of the Internet we can say what we feel without any real reproach and perhaps have our views considered and consider in return.

So I don't think that we are becoming mere zombies, I think we are becoming more accepting than ever before. And even if it sounds annoyingly optimistic that's because it is and I'm happy that because of my experiences upon the Internet I can be that optimistic.
