September Birthdays

Author: Lt. T'val
Department: Counseling

September is a great month for Birthdays! Don't forget to wish all our OTF friends Happy Birthday on their special day. To send a card, go to the "Birthday" site where you will find their email addys. From all of us to all of you - Happy September Birthday!

1 Sept. Johann, Mandiva Luvsinger
2 Sept. Dana, death star 2
3 Sept. Harry (former Harry Kim), Tuvok
5 Sept. Buffalo, Sezrin
6 Sept. Robin Bilney, Moralh
9 Sept. Matt Picard, Ricas Kibu
10 Sept. Dakar, Hemlocke
11 Sept. mark fett
12 Sept. BWD912Snape
13 Sept. Doctor, Raven
15 Sept. Diane Dragonsayer, Q Ball, Seebee
16 Sept. Batya Organa dannick, Jedi Knight Flash, Peter Troi
17 Sept. Sarah, Zulin Jinn
18 Sept. Carol Scarder
19 Sept. Delta Flyer, Sable
20 Sept. Jaina Erin, Kyran Halcion
22 Sept. Eagle
23 Sept. Luke Floorwalker
24 Sept. Paradox
25 Sept. Craig, Kabe, Stephy Soul
26 Sept. Ern Yoka, Fozzi, Hans Plancke
27 Sept. Goran Agar, Luc Deathstryke
28 Sept. Hyper Allsopp, Yen
29 Sept. Aidan, Lol

If we missed your Birthday, please contact the Birthday site Project Leader so we can add you to our list.
