The Artists Guild

Author: Lt. Cmdr. Leeta
Department: Artists Guild Project Leader

The Artists' Guild is one of the most popular sections of The Academy of Guilds. Each month the Artists Guild features a biography written about our featured artist. The subjects of these biographies, as well as past and current interviews, detail the lives and works from those noted for their classic work from all time periods up to and including some of today's top internet graphic, web artists and designers.

Each month, The Counseling Dept. and The Academy of the Guilds sponsors an Artists Guild Contest of the Month. Sometimes we have specific themes but most months we have open themes. The Artists Guild encourages the members to display their work and have a chance for recgonition by their peers and by judges who choose the best submission for the month. Once a year, at the Annual Ceremonies, an Artist of the Year is chosen from the 12 monthly winners.

The Artists Guild accepts all genre's of artwork from computers graphics, screensavers, backgrounds, animated gifs, flash, oils, pastels, cartoons, anime, etc. There are some specific rule regarding the criteria for a submission to the monthly contests, so if you think you would like to give it a try, contact us. The members and Staff of the Artists Guild are always pleased to have the opportunity to showcase new talent and present the latest work from our regular competitors.

The Featured Artist for September is Akira Toriyama, an Anime artist. The theme for artistic entries for the September competition is open to all ideas and styles.

Artists' Guild
