The Promotion Scandal

Author: CL3 Leigh
Department: Publishing/Communications

Okay I will admit I don't check my email as often as I probably should, and this is why I'm in the situation that I am right at this point. You see, I went off to Cardiff for ten days to take part in an opera and so had to abandon my email with the rest of my life. But imagine my surprise that when I get back I find I have in total twenty two messages eagerly waiting for me to open. Now I would have been very flattered if they were sent to me asking me about my life, how I was doing, what I was up to. Unfortunatly they were all about the new promo system, and I know this is already old news but I'm just back so forgive me. First of all this is supposed to be an editorial so I will cast my unbiased eye (yeah right! :OP) over this situation.

My first reaction was very similar to that of Zulin, I was seriously annoyed that my inbox had been bombarded with alot of emails that quite frankly to say were quite pointless. Now I'm not saying that the peeps with concerns or queries were not within their right to ask questions, in fact I had a few questions myself. However the problem lies in EVERYONE IS OVERREACTING!

There I said it, in the greater scheme of things when 115 people lie dead after being held hostage in a Russian theater is something to react about, whenever there is a serial rapist prowling London, or mad snipers prowling Washington then we can react. But over a case of BEAUCRACY, peeps get with the real world. Now yes the new system affects all those who work and play inside 10F but in no way did it require this reaction from both attackers and defenders!

Now many of you reading this are going to be quite annoyed I think, I understand that I am not being very understanding or patient or receptive to your point of view. And you know what my email is up in my dossier, bombard my inbox with your reactions to this article - I could use the feedback. But please for the love of all things holy, a new method of judging promomotions, I can practically hear us being called SAD from those who think we are all nerds. This is because in a matter of a few emails, you managed to prove them right!!! WE ARE SAD!!!! especially if this is the kind of thing that gets us hot under the collar.

Now I don't visit the chatroom as often as I should, my record and KK will attest to that at least, and ask Kali and she'll tell you that I only ever submit one article for the Tribune. So all in all I don't think I'm going to be up for promo any time soon, and nor do I suggest promos or vote for them. I instead enjoy the little 10f time I get, and the work I do for the Tribune. And so this little debacle would have been quite funny if I hadn't found it in my email inbox.

The promo system as it stood had inherent problems that much was clear, there were many complaints from those who (unlike me) worked very hard in departments but didn't visit the chatroom. This new system I have no doubt will also incure problems, but peeps believe me that will always happen no matter what you think. When you get a big group of peeps together that you have to organise you will find without fail that there are peeps who will like the plan suggested and there will be peeps who think it stinks. That's life - deal with it.

But that's not the end, the system as it now stands will make the promo situation a little easier to navigate whether or not you believe in the hour clocking system. However TPTB probably could have explained it a little better than they did, or in the first place directed queries to Henri or the appropriate team leaders. The lack of info made sure that what was realitivly minor turned into something major.

Now please remember this is only my opinion and as I type I am suffering from major travel lag, so don't go ballistic over this. But feel you the need to tell me I am speaking a load of tripe, be my guest. As I said its good feedback and I wonder can I put reading your emails down as time spent working for the department :OP.
