Web Development Guild

Author: CL4 Eggbury
Department: Pick One/COUN

Yes it's Decemeber already! I've just been practicing jingle bells on my new Clavinova (electric piano) and rapping presents, speaking of presents, what can i give you all at OTF other then my normal charm.

Come with me, down to my cellar to meet Server Claus, I know it's a computer with a christmas hat on! I can see ya smirking at the back, oh no your kissing, this isn't the cinema, honestly...

Anyway I'll be placing up a webpage soon with hopefully lots of Mid-winter goodies including seasoned Applications. And remember, the Web Development Guild will still have it's usual OTF Application submissions and Interviews for your pleasure to browse. If you want to be considered for an interview contact us.

But for now, have a great month!
