Recycle - or else!

Author: CL4 Eggbury
Department: Counseling

Yes, this a is a hippy loving & nagging moment, but for once I'm not nagging at other people... yes even eggy nags the old folks for better presents on his birthday, and girls for longer... kisses! But! This time I am nagging at myself.

You see, I have this problem with recycling. I'm really good at picking up other peoples litter and putting it in the bin and nagging people for dropping it, but I sadly can say I haven't used a recycling bank in the last 6 months. All the crisp packets and plastic coke bottles I have picked up from the roadside and put in the bin has probably gone a wonderful journy.

It all started when the dustbin men came to collect the trash and my hard work just got thrown into the back of a dirtmobil, also known as a truck, and then most people would forget about the existance of the rubbish at this point. But no - it doesn't disappear; it ends up at a landfill some place, and then before it manages to get gently covered by another layer of litter you find a bird has it's head stuck in the end of the bottle. As amusing as watching a bird have it's head stuck in the bottle, I could of been amused if I never picked up the bottle in the first place, as the whole reason I did it was to stop some poor cute creature from hurting itself.

Anyway, you can stop thinking of a bottleless chicken now, as the point is, I should of just taken it to a bottle bank, and to be honest, my closest one is about 20 yrds from my present house I now know, where's your closest one?

That's my nag, I'm sorry if I've gone on and sounded like a cross of doogle from the Magic Round about and Zilette when she hasn't had her dragon medicine, but remember, wrapping paper isn't just for christmas, it's part of OUR world.

Thank you for reading this all you dudes and dudettes.
