Poetry Guild

Author: CL6 Leeta
Department: The Guilds/Counseling

November's Open theme was a great success, we have broken our record with 21 contestant entries this month which goes to prove Poetry is still as popular as ever. So you have been keeping me busy. I want to thank all those who participated on the excellent standards of their poems and the variety. Till next month - keep up the good work.

As December is the last of the year we thought it appropriate to do our Bio on Robert Burns, the Scottish Poet who is famous for creating "Auld Lang Syne"

And the announcement for our November winners are: Winner for November 2002 contest is Zandetta for her entry of Power And Greed.
Honorable Mentions goes to Robert Griffith for Paper in the Breeze
and Jeditrunks with Scars Of The Heart

and People Change by Jane

The December Poetry Guild Theme this month is Open Send your entries Here. Please keep sending in your work to the Poetry Guild all entries are welcome but make sure they are your own original works.
