Not Your Home Planet

Author:CL4 Xemxija and CL4 Robert Griffith
Department: Publishing/ Communications

Our first stop on this months' tour is

Planet: Kamino
Terrain: Ocean world
Location: Beyond the Outer Rim and just south of the Rishi Maze

About Kamino: This is a planet of oceans and never-ending storms. The only features that mark its surface are massive stilt-mounted cities where the Kaminoans live.

Tipoca City is the place where the Prime Minister resides and it is also the place with the highest concentration of Kaminoans on the planet.

What to do: There is not much to do at Kamino, unless you are an industrial spy. The Kaminoans are said to be the best cloners in the galaxy. The Grand Army of the Republic that was used during the Clone War was all produced and trained here. In that instance they even partnered with the Rothana system to develop the combat machinery.

Also taking a closer look at the cities can be of interest; these stilted cities have been architectured in such a way to withstand the hard waves and winds. Truly magnificent planning is behind all of this. The graceful curves help redirect and reflect the wind.

About the Kaminoans: They are a hardworking people who take great pride in their work. They don't, however, seem to think of the consequences of their products. While only a select few know of the Kaminoans, they are recognised by those in the know as the pre-eminent cloners in the galaxy. The gentle and seemingly naive Kaminoans posess a scientific cunning that allows them to excel in the genetic manipulation of numerous species. They have, in the past, completed orders of questionable ethics, creating armed forces. They take pride in their work, never appearing to think of the consequences of their craftsmanship. The Kaminoans themselves are tall, with glassy eyes, pale skin and elongated necks.

The largest and best-known example of their clone armies is the one they crafted specifically for the Republic. Fulfilling an order apparently commissioned by Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas, the Kaminoans used a bounty hunter named Jango Fett as the template for their human army. The end result was a military force of alarming skill, speed and efficiency.

Only a select few know about the Kaminoans and their ability to create superior clones, and Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi discovered the secret army when he was investigating Jango Fett's involvement in an assassination attempt on Coruscant, and for some reason that is currently unknown, the Kaminoans accepted the Jedi and the Republic as the rightful owners of the military army.

All in all, I wouldn't recommend Kamino for anyone looking for a pleasure trip. Stay with me for next month when I hopefully will visit a more friendly and enjoyable place!

Xemxija, your friendly Star Wars Universe full-service Travel Guide

Next on the itinerary - Vulcan

Millennia ago, the Vulcans were a savage race whose almost continual wars sent them to the brink of destruction. Under the leadership of Surak, a man who believed in the rule of logic over emotion, the entire species began a radical cultural shift towards philosophy and science. The former battlefields of their home world long ago receded into the almost continual drift of sand across their magnificent amber sands.

T'Kashi, better known as Vulcan, is a harsh planet of relentless heat whose gravity is ten percent above that of Earth. Landmasses account for eighty-six percent of the planet, and over that immense stretch of land lay many cities, hubs for the exchange of culture between the curious tourists who meander through a still unknown, and often misunderstood, world.

Among the many cities of Vulcan is ShiKahr, location of the renowned Vulcan Science Institute. In the city, visitors can find a diverse range of eateries, ranging from restaurants and inns serving humans, to taverns specializing in drinks only Andorians and Tellarites can savor. Museums seem to spring up in every corner, lending themselves to the dissemination of information to the laymen seeking to understand the often misunderstood behavior of the Vulcan people, sometimes said to be arrogance.

Vulcan is a planet whose pitfalls in natural beauty are more than made up for in the rich culture that lures everyone to its sands to experience the true wonder that even the Vulcan's have no logic for. If you choose to venture there in the future, make sure you have your Tri-Ox hypo spray with you, as you know it'll be hot!

Robert Griffith, your overworked and totally underpaid Tour Operator
