Ode to a Dead Comp

Author: CL8 Henri the Great
Department: InDev/Administration

Hi folks,

KittyKat has let me know earlier on tonight that her computer decided it was time for a new dimension in KittyKat's computer experience. In addition to the usual light and sound effects produced by her computer, it now also features smoke effects.

However... In its enthusiasm, the diligent apparatus forgot that its components were not really willing to work under the working conditions the smoke effects caused. The computer component union strictly prohibits exposure of its members to smokey environments. So, to make a very clear and, unfortunately, final statement, several of the components of KittyKat's computer that were members of aforementioned union decided to melt andgenerally stop working.

So alas... It looks like the illustrious computer of our beloved KittyKat is no more. It has stopped beeping. It is a stiff. It has ceased to exist. It has been nailed to KittyKat's desk to make it look like it is still alive. It is an ex-computer! But, dear friends... Let us remember that it went with a bang! Well, not really a bang, but surely in an altogether exciting way for a computer to go anyway.

While mourning over her loss, KittyKat is merrily window shopping to get herself a new computer. It will be difficult for this new computer to step into the footprints of its predecessor, but I'm sure it will do just fine. KittyKat, however, will have to suffer from general offline-ness until she has overcome her loss and gotten a new computer in her life.

Now, let's all be silent for a minute and think of all the nice things we have to say about the late computer of KittyKat.

yours sadly,
