Music Guild

Author: CL4 Angelic Char
Department: Music Guild/COUN

Hey Hey Hey!

It's a new month! Where has the time gone? Well I will now wish you a very happy new months filled with all that OTF Good fun stuff! What's that Good fun stuff you ask? Well! I'm glad you asked! The Music Guild has new reviews coming up for you from our team of reviewers.

How would you like to get involved? Everyone's a Critic is just waiting for you submission! All you have to do is remember your favorite song, album, or artist and whip up a review expressing your feelings about this subject, you can rave about how you absolutely LOVE this artist's music or you can tell us why you don't like it and why. Just remember to be nice about it! Then all you have to do is send it to us at The Music Guild! Sounds easy? That's because it is! And as always you can take a look at our otf site.

Have fun!

CL4 Angelic Char
