Marketing Update

Author: CL7 Tierce
Department: Administrations, Marketing Division

Marketing has been fairly busy this month, both with external and internal promotion activities. Some of it, is course nothing I can talk about ;-) But I can tell you a few things.

We’ve been contacted by several external organisations, a TV channel and a marketing company, which resulted in the contest where you had the chance to be in a tv series. Unfortunately the contact came late so you didn’t have many days to pick up on it, its rather cool still though isn’t it? Now we’re talking serious marketing work.

Internally, you’ve also seen some of our work this month. You might have noticed the voting links placed on strategically good places? So remember to vote now and then. Its the best way to get new friends or ensure the rooms are always full.

New banners for the community is being worked on various by Engineering graphics wizards, so far we’ve received a good number of banners and I’ve only seen amazing work.
I look forward to the final shipment and selection process.
These graphics Engineers are really good!

Finally, we’re doing a larger survey this month, you can reach it at the main Tribune page. Using the survey and the suggestion box, we’ll take the temperature on what you, the OTFers think of our community and what we can do to improve on certain areas. If you want to see changes made anywhere, this is a really good time to get through and express your opinions.

Thats it for marketing this month.


Captain Tierce
