Media Updates, and then some

Author: CL4 Rabid Tribble
Department: Communications

Well folks, once again the merchandising and marketing steamroller is going full speed ahead. Yes, it's December! The holiday season is upon us, and 'tis the season to be greedy (for the corporations)!

Do I sound like a party pooper? Well, I'm not...not really, anyway. *L* It's a great time of the year to find practically anything. Stores normally have an ample supply of items and appliances, even stuff that can be harder to find at other times of the year. But I digress...

Who the heck would want to buy a life size replica of Spider-man to have in their home? I'm not sure I want an answer to that question! To me, it rather seems like a bit of a waste of money, but apparently Blockbuster will now have available for purchase (in limited quantities) "either the fabric type costume or the Poly Resin statue version". No word on the price yet...

Speaking of superheroes, there's a great Web site for those comic book fans among us that would like to keep track of what's going on in the filming and post production of X-men II, The Hulk, the Spider-man sequel, Daredevil, etc... This site is It contains plenty of updates on different "comic book" movie projects.

A Star Wars cartoon series seems to be on the way. Lucasfilm is in talks with the Cartoon Network about "joining forces for an undisclosed project"; a spokesperson for the cable channel told This series will possibly be about the "clone wars".

On December 13, the long anticipated Star Trek: Nemesis will finally be playing at a theatre near you! Is everyone excited? I know I am! Everything seems to indicate that this film will be a success, both critically and commercially. There's no way of knowing that for sure until it's released, but the overall buzz on the Web is favourable, and the fact that the makers are going for the big thrills once again (like in "First Contact") rather than a more subdued, light venture (like in "Insurrection") is a good indication. First Contact was one of the most successful Star Trek movies at the Box Office...And the fact that it's an even numbered Trek, if you believe the Star Trek curse (that the even numbered films are bound to be stronger than the odd numbered ones), then you have another reason to be optimistic.

Until next time, peeps! And happy holidays!
