From the Editor

Author: CL7 Kali D'or
Department: Marketing/Admin.

It's December - the end of another year at Outpost10f. And it's been one heck of a ride, hasn't it?

We have accomplished so much, and we have a huge list of things to be proud of. The successful launch of v2 was a community wide project that took a year to develop, build and implement. Alder Hill joined the community just a week ago - another project that has taken a years' worth of work and creativity from an exceptional group of members.

The Communication Department jumped feet first into advertising and PR this past year - and we can see the results of all their labors in the Awards Sites, the new Unions and Conventions pages, and of course the Tribune. The Archives were built so we won't loose information and special events. Darn Good Job from COMM in 2002 and we look for even more as we move forward to 2003 and the top of the lists!*sprinkles purple confetti and glitter all over the COMM office, hands out sparklers and noisemakers and clean new note pads to record the great new ideas that will be coming our way*

The Entertainment Network weathered a few little thundershowers this year and now they are proving once again, just what a great team they really are! The new Picture games, the updated Games arena, the addition of PbEM and of course the ever popular Trivia make this department fun to spend time with, and entertaining to watch as they keep us on our toes with things to keep us busy. Lord only know what the Simming team will come up with as the New Year fast approaches - I think we are going to be spending lots of good times in places we hadn't planned on, acting out scenarios that are the hallmark of the Simming group - new, different and fun. *Salutes and a Bow to Dommy and his team, along with a great big empty toy box to fill up with new games and goodies*

The Engineering Department has been reworked, reorganized and re-vamped. We are all awaiting the great new Department Homepages that will be appearing in 2003. The Development team members will be hard at work assisting the other Departments with projects and of course all the resources, toys and goodies will be updated and refined to bring our members only the best of the best. *Makes sure each and every Engineer has a nice new desk, lots of pencils and paper, and loads of server space to play with* And ENG can always be counted on for surprises - so pay attention!

Counseling has spent the past year moving projects, revising projects, talking to the members and enhancing the community experience for the members by keeping the Guilds up and running. We can expect great things from the Guilds in 2003 - there are lots of opportunities for every single member who has artistic talent, creative writing aspirations, web design skills and appreciation for music and poetry. Expect to see more holidays, more Film events and plays and of course, the occasional food fight or birthday party. *Hands out Gold Stars, party hats and a truck load of cream pies to all the Counseling Staff*

What can we say about ISA? They keep us safe from the bad guys and lamers; they maintain order and sensibilities in the chats; and they make sure that we never ever forget the Prime Directives and the 3 R's. We can be very proud that thru their efforts, Outpost10f maintains its reputation as a family friendly and safe place for each and every member. *Waves and salutes ISA for that very special job they do*. In addition, they keep our computers safe from the ever-present bugs and virus's out there. One more year of a darn good job from ISA, and I am sure the same is on their agenda for 2003. *arranges for a box of "bug spray" to be delivered to the ISA offices, just in case they run out of ideas and solutions*

I could, of course, go on and on about InDev and what Henri and his team have contributed in 2002. Rather than bore you, just wander arounf the Outpost, look a the n ew pages, new systems, features and enhancements. See for yourself just how much hard work they have turned in and on! *A weeks paid vacation to the InDev staff, and a bottle of very nice red wine for Henri!!*

The Logistics Division has had one heck of a year organizing all the project and tasks that we all, as members of the OTF community, particpate in, work for, build and maintain. In addition, this bunch of happy campers is hard at work on organizing our official "Constitution" and we all look foreward to its unveiling in 2003. *Hands Lucas shiny new clipboards and a box of sharpie pens to share with his staff as they check their lists of things to do and things done (it is a VERY long list)* Thank goodness we have the Help Desk!

Marketing is hard at work right now with a few little things that will all become clear after the New Year. In the meantime, my personal and special thanks to Capt. Tierce for his time, talent and expertise in hauling my behind out of the dirt more than once over the past 12 months. And to COMM Sr. Manager KK for being there, any time, any day, no matter what, to offer advice, assistance and a shoulder. *wishes there was something I could send that would really let you both know how much I appreciate your help*

Of course, I could go on and on with special thank yous to special friends and members that I have personally worked with over the past year. But that would be taking advantage of this space, so suffice it to say, each and every one of you created a special place on my desk where your talents and support and time for me is more than appreciated *sends Great Big Kali Hugs and Chocolate Kisses - you know who you are :P*

And now, on to 2003! To the top of those lists - we WILL reach that goal, together as a community and as a team and as friends. And in the long run, its the friends that count the most, right??
