InDev Update

Author: CL7 Kali D'or
Department: Marketing/Admin

For the past few months, our dear Henri has been absolutely up to his butt in a swamp filled with alligators, Blue Ladies, Trolls, and an assortment of Admirals, Captains and other lowly peeps. Personally, I would rather have the Trolls and alligators.

Anyway, After technically arranging the Harry Potter Premier Party and the Grand Opening of Alder Hill, as well as doing the final fix on the new promotions system, and a heck of alot of other stuff I am totally incapable of understanding or explaining, we have decided to give the guy a well deserved break from any more "work" this month.

Instead, he is the subject of our Officer Profile article, and he is also the author of one of the funniest Guest Editorials we have had since we opened in September. So, please take a few minutes and find out about our Henri, the Beautiful Director of Internal Development and one of everyones' favorite all time OTF members :)

And that is a totally unbiased opinion from one of his biggest fans *lol*
