Film Guild

Author: CL5 Dracmus
Department: Film Guild/COUN

Heya Guys'n'girls!

The Film Guild is Still! waiting to go up sadly, but people keep working on the porblems which we have and we'll get there together. People also keep turning in reviews and keep asking if they can do new reviews. We, as in the Film Guild staff, can now only wait to see our reviews online.

We already have 170 movie reviews, 17 series reviews and 15 biographies. And more on the way. I only want to say: keep up the good work. And be patient, for we all are busy.

One of these great days, we will be able to show our reviews to every one. And that day, Film Guild will have a big party for all the people who have worked on it.

Many thanks for your time

Lt. Cmdr. Dracmus
