
Author: CL3 Leigh
Department: Publishing/COMM

I have been taking my usual jaunt through the cyberspace that we call home and since I have grown to like Enterprise I decided to do some research on some of its fan sites. I used to be a great fan of fan fiction, sorry about that pun, but I often came across some great examples of peeps who should have been writing for Paramount. Serious and funny, there were great examples and there were really bad examples.

So I a bit dissapointed when I looked for stories on Enterprise and all I could really find were romance stories. So this is a general call to all you fictioners out there who feel like a go with Archer and T'Pol. Go out and make me proud.

I know what you are saying that Enterprise hasn't been going long enough for any real character development, but don't let that stop you. Instead develope the characters for yourself, who gives a damn if by the end of the second series your ideas are no longer relevant, the sheer joy is creating the details that could possibly be correct. The real disapointment has been that there have been no real attempt to create any stories thatcould in reality be turned into a real episode. Those stories are the real gems in the fan fiction world, and it is a shame that within two series Enterprise hasn't inspired anyone to write a really good fiction. That or I simply haven't found it yet.

So come on, this is extremely short but I would really like to read any Enterprise fiction you've got - please send any entries into my email.

And as a side bar from the Editor, send them to the Writer's Guild - thats what it is there for: Original fan fiction by our members about things we are interested in!
