Entertainment Network

Author: CL6 Dommy
Department: Sr. manager/Entertainment Network

I've thought long and hard about all I wanted to put in this article. And since there had been going on so much in the past month I did have a wide range of possible topics. However, Kali asked me to write something about gaming. Since Christmas and New Year (the time of granting wishes) are close and the NEW Gaming Team has just been launched, I'm going to grant her that wish.

Like I said, Gaming is back better then ever. Remade to cover "all" types of gaming (on-line games, multiplayer games, picture games :p). However, if any of you have an idea regarding what gaming could change/do more, don't hesitate to send your suggestion to the suggestion box. This counts for any other aspect of entertainment as well (and for any other department too ).

Now, let me tell you a little about the new Gaming Team! We'll start with the beginning. The "new" gaming team has 3 divisions (Interactive Games, Multiplayer Games, Online Games). Each of these divisions cover a different part of the "gaming world". What exactly they do will be explained in the rest of this article - keep reading ;).

Interactive Games Division: First stop, the division that hosts the interactive games project, the interactive games division. This division/project offers you all kind of small java, flash, ... games to be played just for fun. So far we have a Battleships, Sliders, Memory and Concentration games online. A lot more will follow. If you happen to have one on your comp, or you feel like making one, just contact us! In the future some adjustments may be made so we can hold competitions in these games. So I suggest you start training already ;) So go check out! ... But do return to read the rest. We're not finished yet. *winks*

Multiplayer Tournaments Division: Second stop on our tour true gaming is the "Multiplayer Tournament division". Every month the Tournament leaders will host a multi-player tournament. The games that will be hosted will vary from month to month. For example: Counter strike, Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast, Star Craft, ... . One of our goals is to recruit a variety of players of all skill levels from Novice to Expert. So, if you enjoy gaming and testing your skill against other members of Outpost10F, then sign up now! To sign up, or just to get more information about the tournements, go to the page now! But do return will you ...we "still" aren't finished ;)

Online Games Division: And last but defiantly not least is the "Online Games Division". For the project conected to this division we went and contacted "www.playsite.com" to host our events on their game servers. Right now only 2 games are officaly played: Chess and Monopoly. More games will be added/played once more members sign up. You can also find basic information, rules and the history of the games on this site. This, for all of you people willing to learn and discover more about them. The only thing you have to do to start your chess and monopoly adventure against other online game freaks like myself here at OTF is: click on the link to the online games division homepage and sign up there! After you've done that , register at playsite.com where all the fun will be happening. Register with a play name like: "OTF_yournamehere". So what are you waiting for?!? ... Sign up, and start the fun.

By now most of you will probably be drooling (or so we hope :oP) over all that gaming fun we are now offering to you, our fellow members . But its not all ... . Don't look so surprised, there is more! Next to those 3 main projects connected to our new divisions we took over a old project from R&D as well! YES, you got that right. Its finely back: the great, the wonderful, the fun ( me, o wait :oP) PICTURE GAMES !! It took us a while (sweat, blood and tears *g* ) but here is it. Remade just for you all, with lots of "Picture playing fun". Don't wait till the fun comes to you, go to the fun yourself and participate. You will never get bored again now, how can you, with a new round every week! Oh wait, you still need the url don't you *g* ... Well here it is - the link to The Picture Games.

Some things will change over the next few months, there will even be added a brand new game. All to help you have fun. (aren't we good 'lil minions *g* ). Thank you for reading, and LET THE GAMES BEGIN !!
