Executive Editorial - CT

Author: CL7 Crazy Texan
Department: Sector Command/Administration

Greetings from the SW SC:

As we near the end of 2002 I finally took a moment over the Thanksgiving holiday to reflect on what I have and how thankful I am to share time with loved ones, family, and friends not only on Thanksgiving, but also coming up with Christmas and New Years. It is this time of the year that has its moments of stress, anxiety, comfort, and happiness.

As a global community, OTF has not only been a place of holiday cheer, but also of holiday knowledge. It is in OTF where I learned quite a bit about Hanukkah, and the festivities of those 8 days. I also learned about Sinterklaas from our Dutch members. Winter Solstice and other related events are also a major celebration to some. There is Christmas, Kwanzaa, and many others I may have forgotten, so please forgive me if I left something out. Regardless of our own personal beliefs, or non-beliefs, we pretty much come together with friends and family and celebrate. As a community, albeit an online one, we come together in times of tragedy, uncertainly, hope, and joy and not just during the time of major holidays, but year-round. In many ways, OTF has transformed from an online hobby to a fully functioning communal family.

I hope that all of you take the time to spend with your friends and family and do your usual traditions this time of year. Take a relaxing break from work and/or school, and yes, even take a break from OTF. We will still be here in the New Year, and expect many exciting additions and events coming in the near future.

I wish you all good luck that are currently, or will, be taking final exams, turning in major projects, and completing your fall semester. Hang in there, guys and gals…study hard, give your best on those exams and projects, and enjoy your endeavors with friends and family when the smoke clears. It is not just about gift giving, stressing out over trivial family matters, going into massive debt to find that perfect holiday gift. It is about a time of unity with those you love, a time of reflection of the past year, and a new hope for the coming year.

Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!
