Communications Update

Author: CL7 KittyKat
Department: Communications

Well folks, October has been a quiet month in Communications. Everything is running relatively smoothly and any action is done franctially behind closed doors and not for public consumption *just* yet. So I thought I'd take this opportunity to talk about one of our less well publisized projects: The Outpost is now 5 years old and during that time we've grown and expanded, we're more than just a chat room and we like to think about what our members would enjoy, or would like to see. In this respect the Archives fulfills two roles. We all get a little nostaglic at times and some of the newer people enjoy looking at past events and it also allows us to keep hold of things that are of interest to the members of OTF.

The Archives were created several months ago, and they are basically a place to hold the things that we really don't want to get rid from the server but we need to move.For example, past editions of the Tribune and Yearbook are located there.

There are loads of other little goodies, like transcripts from interviews with Jeff Greenwald & Paul Lynch, some black humour from the 'ISE Era', Anniversary Credits & transcripts. If you want to take a peek into the Outpost's Past, then this is the place to do it! Of course we are always open to suggestions to new things to add as it is an on going project and will be constantly updated so don't be afraid to email your suggestions to our most able Historian Zulin Jinn.
