CCC Update

Author: Captain Glenn Fallhorn, DSC, HSBND, D.A.D.
Department:DSC/Cloud City Cantina

In this Issue:

Jedi/Dark Jedi Affiliation and Ranks
Armory Upgrades
New Chat Colors
Addition of 'Wookie Cookies' (Fortune Cookies) to the CCC Bar
SW Registrations # leaves ST in the dust!

Jedi/Dark Jedi Affiliation and Ranks

Yay! Finally! After Months and Months of people asking about the Jedi Ranks, plans or no plans for it's implementation, or simply wishing we had some, CT and the Cool Gang (*Grins*) Finally came through and were able to add the long awaited Affiliations and Ranks.

Ever wanted to be a Jedi in the CCC without having to name yourself as "Jedi XXX" ? Simply choose the appropriate affiliation when you log in!

Remember that with this new addition, we do have to point out that the Prime Directives do state that Ranks in handle is forbidden. Please try and change your name if you are one of those that do have names that conflicts with this particular PD. If you have any thoughts or questions about it, feel free to contact CT or me for more information.

Armory Upgrades

What good is it to be a Jedi if you don't have a light saber to wield? Aha! Another fun updates for you. Those that have Armory access now have the ability to use an Armory that displays the text depending on the Affiliation chosen.

Remember, being careful might save your right hand from being chopped off. ALWAYS point it in a safe direction.

New Chat Colors

Now...Not only did the Affiliation arrive, they brought with them changes in colors as well. There have been some grumbles and some wild theory regarding the eerie color of the Dark Jedi's, and even rumors abut possible ties to a very well known Hand Bag. Maybe something Lobot will have to look into, eh? Judge for your self by logging in as Dark Jedi.

Addition of 'Wookie Cookies' (Fortune Cookies) to the CCC Bar Well.. We all know that the bar tend to have some cool things in it. This was the latest addition to the CCC Bar, something that should have been added long ago. If you have a fun quote, or a Fortune Cookie style line, don't hesitate to let us know about it. Who knows, it might be your line that everyone will find the most fun?

SW Registrations # leaves ST in the dust!

Wohoo! According to the data, 244 new community members were registered during the month of November. Out of these 244, SW got a whoopin' 136! That's like... ummm… More than ST side got. Yay! A special Thanks go to the Welcoming Committee, for sending a "Hi and Welcome to OTF" to all these new peeps. You guy's and gal's rock!

Well... That's basically all I have to say for now. And yes... Lara Fallhorn is doing great.. Thanks for asking.. ;)

On behalf of the SW Sector Command,
Captain Glenn Fallhorn
