Bookstore Beat

Author: CL5 Mezoti
Department: Assistant Team Leader, Trivia, Entertainment

Greetings and welcome to The Bookstore Beat. I am the next lucky officer to bring you this article, and I hope it provides some insite.

My favorite book store is Books-A-Million ( What made me love this store is the fact they have so many books to chose from, hence their name. I fell in love with sitting on the floor and looking around, because it was quiet and big, so no one bothered me. They also have chairs and a coffee house to sit in and read. It is very easy to find a book you want to read, and one has to keep themselves from taking all the books in the store; I know, I've tried! It's a rather large chain, which takes away from the family feeling, but it has it's good points too. There, you can always find a book you've never read and wanted to. In addition, their prices are cheaper, and there is always someone there to help you find your book or to have it ordered.

Well, thats all I can tell you about Books-A-Million. You'll just have to go there yourself. *G*
