Artists Guild

Author: CL6 Leeta
Department: The Guilds/Counseling

Hello there fellow artists,

Sitting here looking at the past year and all the great art work that has come through our doors. But something has happened. October had no entries and here in November only a few. Has to make us wonder did people run out of pencils? sketchpads, paints? did your adobe programs break down? We really got worried.

So, we decided to write a letter to Santa asking him to replenish all our artists with new supplies for Christmas. Sure hope you all have been good - we would hate for him to just fly by your houses. you know he makes that list and checks it twice.

The Artists Guild hopes you all get some time this month because we'd love to see a beautiful snowy mountain with smoke billowing out the chimney of a beautifully lit old home...oops thats Thomas Kincaid huh? You aren't the Painter of light are you?
