Alder Hill Newsflash!

Author: CL8 TeeKay
Department: FY Sector Command


It was on December 1st that a project that has been long in the works has finally seen the light of day: Alder Hill, OTF's new and original Fantasy chat. A group of people has worked long and hard on this (for more information on just who these people are, please visit our Credits page), to add a Fantasy aspect to OTF and make things generally fun and interesting for the OTF membership.

Recent discussions on the OTF Forum have shown that fan-made internet sites based on TV shows or movies always face the danger of being closed down by the creators of the shows or movies. We hope that OTF is an exception to this; after all, no-one makes money off of any of "their" products, we're just having fun with it.

Our OTF Fantasy chatroom, however, will never face this danger. Everything you see in it, from the smallest avatar to the chat images, from the names of the avatars to the thousand-year storyline behind it, has been created by members of Outpost10f. No wonder it took so long - after all, we did this while still active in OTF and pursuing a real life (whatever that may be). ;)

Why a new, unique fantasy world when there are already so many fantasy worlds out there? Because we wanted to give something special to OTF - a completely new world that is not closed, but in development. Because we wanted to make a truly interactive chat, where what you, the OTF membership, do influences the development of the chat and the world itself. It is still a true Fantasy world, however - you'll get to meet not only humans, but also Dwarves, Elves, the occasional Troll, and may even have a brush with Magick - and much, much more.

If you are interested in a quick look of what's behind the schenes of Alder Hill, visit the Chronicles - they give a quick insight into what the world of Alder Hill is like and whom you might meet in there. If you would like a look at the world from inside, as it were, visit the further reading page, a collection of short stories written by the denizens of Alder Hill.

We hope you enjoy Alder Hill, Outpost10f's Fantasy chat, and that it will do what fantasy is supposed to do: encourage you to get involved, inspire your own fantasy and creativity, but above all, have fun.

Right, I think that's enough talk for now - go visit Alder Hill! ;)

CL 8 Teekay
Mayor of Alder Hill (FY SC)
