Actors Guild

Author: CL4 Hal Horn
Department:The Guilds/ Counseling

This month in the Actors' Guild we had a few changes."The Chaos at Cloud City" simm was held in CCC on Saturday, November 30th. The sim took place on, of course, Cloudy City on the planet Bespin. Luke Skywalker is being trailed by an Imperial Intelligence Agent....Will Luke survive this encounter? Or will the Galactic Empire finally take him down?

Also, the Actors' Guild worked in conjunction with the Film Guild and The Snoop Sisters in the first OTF wide Premier Party of the new Harry Potter movie "The Chamber of Secrets". It was a gala event. Harry, Hermoine and Ron and company were there to talk to us and everyone had a great time. Only downer was one sly evil character whose name is not to be spoken arrived to put a wee damper on the festivities but he left after realizing he was not welcome at all.

If you liked this event then watch the boards cause "Lord of the Rings - Two Towers" the second installment of the fantasy adventure hits the local theaters soon. Film Guild will host and we will be there with bells on our fingers and rings on our toes. Hope you will do the same. This should be a community event so everyone come and join us in the celebration.

Being Christmas time I would keep an eye out for a production of "Scrooge" with a twist by the Out Of This World Simmers. Want to participate and be a part? Casting Call will be announced.

The Actors' Guild is looking for a few good humans and aliens for positions with the Guild. If you like to write script ideas, do html or graphics, like research and look up facts about any and all Sci-Fi characters, or like to review Broadway Plays, then I urge you once again to rush to the Counseling website and put in an application.

If you would like to just like to participate in the Actors Guild events, please contact us HERE. We would love to have you on the registry.

True wisdom only comes to those with open hearts and minds.
