Help the Archives out!

Got old OTF-stuff?? I still have plenty that I need to add but that does not stop me from hunting for more.

I want to make sure all these great things are stored here instead of lurking on someone's computer or photobucket or such, where they may eventually get deleted. Too many files have already disappeared that way ...

What are we looking for?
Pretty much anything and everything, be it chatsaves, snapshots, stories about events or old members, additional milestones for the timeline (even if you don't know the exact time), snapshots of old homepages that you have stashed away, or even a random missing picture that was replaced with a placeholder here.

Do you have something that I haven't even thought about yet? Suggest it too! We're always looking for more things to put into the Misc section - or even open up a new category too if there is enough to warrant it.

How to Donate?
It's not hard, I assume you have an email address? Just send the things over to your friendly Archivar at, contact us in chat, via IM or even this Contact-Form, and we can discuss it. I won't bite, promised.
At least not if you want to donate - unless it's blood.