Long Island Who 3

Article by Paulie

Back in mid-November, I attended the annual Doctor Who convention on Long Island known as "L.I. Who 3". Having attended the first two years, I basically knew what I was getting myself into, and who (friends and celebrities alike) I would be mingling with for three days.

I set out on the morning of Thursday, November 12th, arriving at the Hyatt Regency Long Island in the middle of the afternoon. After I settled into my room for a bit, I spent time with some friends as they arrived and did the same. "LobbyCon" at L.I. Who started around 6pm and went (for me, at least) until midnight. It was in the midst of ukulele playing and reconnecting with friends I'd made in years past that a feeling of "being home" came over me.

After some confusion regarding the whereabout of my convention badge, and pre-registration ribbon exchange, I attended "Event One" at noon that Friday, which saw Ian McNiece, Frazer Hines and Daphne Asbrook on the panel, talking about their previous experiences at L.I. Who. I then went to "The Women Of Who" with Katy Manning and Janet Fielding, then got their autographs. I listened to Paul McGann and Carole Ann Ford speak about working together on the Big Finish audio play "An Earthly Child", then attended an interview with Janet Fielding, conducted by a friend of mine.

Having a few hours with nothing to do, I had "Dinner With The Stars" with Winston Churchill actor Ian McNeice at my table, and prepared to be a panelist on the panel "Would you make a good companion?" later that evening. I thought that would be it for me. Little did I know that I'd be pulled into a game of Cards Against Humanity that would last until 4 in the morning.

The next morning, I had intended on going to a panel with Katy Manning and former producer Derrick Sherwin, but the room got switched at the last minute. so I found myself listening to Camile Coduri being interviewed, after having been in the elevator with her, moments before.

I basically stayed in that one room for the early part of the afternoon for the1996 movie panel, the "Friends Of The Ninth Doctor" panel, and "The Five Doctors Revisted: The Companions" panel.

I then had a photo op with Camile Coduri, Noel Clarke (who also starred in Star Trek: Into Darkness) and Annette Badland. Then I was a panelist on a discussion about the tenth anniversary of Doctor Who's 2005 revival.

I had dinner afterwards, and decided to skip the viewing of that weekend's episode of Doctor Who, so I could be ready to participate on the "Gobby Australian" panel, a discussion on Janet Fielding's early 80's portrayal of airline stewardess companion Tegan Jovanka. I went to a late night panel commemorating Nicholas Courtney and his portrayal of Brigadier Aistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart, and went to bed.

Sunday at noon, I gathered a couple friends and headed to a photo op with Carole Ann Ford and Janet Fielding, then had time to waste until a panel with Daphne Ashbrook watching and breaking down scenes from the singular episode she did on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, entitled "Melora", where she was the titular character, spending one-on-one time with her later, discussing the possibility of doing another panel on the episode at the next convention.

I left Long Island the following morning, already yearning for L.I. Who 4 later this year, with Sylvester McCoy, Sophie Aldred, late 80's script editor Andrew Cartmel and actress Louise Jameson all scheduled to appear.


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