
Article by Ice

I haven't played many games lately, well not many new ones. Mostly because my work has been hectic and I've had a lot of Uni work to get done. However, I did make time to try out a new one specifically so I could write this article. That game is Elvenar.

You may have read my article regarding Forge of Empires, well Innogames also produced Elvenar so I had extremely high hopes. The concept is almost the same, work your way through the a tech tree and expand your city. However, from my minimal experience I found it extremely lacking. 

One of the perks of Forge of Empires was Great Buildings, I love collecting them and adding a boost to my city but these don't exist in Elvenar, so although your city expands theirs no big eye catching creation in their, so they don't quite look as good. 

Next up is replacing your city, in Forge of Empires you pretty much rebuilt your city each era and if you screenshot each one it'll show you moving through time, Elvenar does this differently, instead of rebuilding your city you upgrade it. This means buildings grow or introduce animation. Whilst animation can make a nice touch when you have 30 or so of the same building it looks a little over-whelming.

Elvenar has a similar combat system to forge of empires although 1 unit can represent multiple unit's which makes it a bit rts style, which personally i'm not a fan of but i'm sure many gamer's would prefer it this way. Perhaps even I would if i played through to end-game where having a huge army is paramount, but in the early era's representing your only 12 troops with 1 is a little disappointing. 

Now don't take me being so negative as a reason not to try this game, it's free for one thing and you only pay if you want additional perks it could be that it's a great game but my love of Forge is clouding my judgement, maybe my eyes weren't quite as open as they should be. I would love to hear what others think or if you have a game you want me to check out please let me know, it is the season n all. 


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