New Member Spotlight

Article by Richard Smith

We've got a bunch of new members around the Outpost and in the interest of getting to know these people, the Blue Report will spotlight one per month. This month I had the opportunity to sit down for a few questions with Avalein:, known in chat as Lady Arwen of Imladris.

BR : JH, Thanks for taking some time for the Blue Report.

Avalein: it is a pleasure

BR :So, tell us about yourself

Avalein: Sure

BR :So what made you come to our corner of the galaxy?

Avalein: Well I was looking for another place to chat, and found this room before getting banned from the other chat site I was on and I’m glad I did

BR : What's your favorite part of the Outpost so far?

Avalein: Just being able to talk to people and feeling welcome

BR : What are some things you like to do away from the Outpost?

Avalein: well I ride and compete in horse shows (I haven’t been able to since I haven’t been able to get to the barn as of late)

BR :
Coming from the perspective of a new person, Is there anything that you think could make the Outpost even better?

Avalein: not that ive seen so far

BR : What is one thing we would be interested to learn about you?

Avalein: well I have a love of horses and plan on getting some soon

BR : Do you have anything else you like to add for the good of the order?

Avalein: Just be patient with me that’s all

BR : Thanks for taking some time to talk to us.

Avalein: Your welcome


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