
Article by Ice

Ok, so this will be a first for me, a review on an Xbox 360 game. Now I am trying to avoid this usually but I came across a site I've not seen before and I could pick up games cheap, this one I got for just over £3 when it's on the xbox marketplace for £6.75 so over 50% off - I'll take it.

Firstly, why did I pick this game? Well beyond it being cheap its different to my usual, I got it to play with my family as opposed to by myself and thought it seems simple enough to occupy my youngest but comical enough to entertain my eldest - and castles so my wife will be happy.

Firstly, a disclaimer this isn't just an xbox 360 game but it's a Kinect game. I have never been a fan of those because the detection on the Kinect is shockingly bad, especially in the "average" house. My living room is decent sized, but its narrow so the Kinect doesn't like it. For that reason the review is based in the 3rd person as after a thousand issues trying to get through the tutorial I gave up and my kids got on with it. I will avoid judging the game based on the success of the Kinect because if you have a Kinect you will know how good/bad it is, I figure im just unlucky and everyone else loves it lol.

So what is the game? basically you catapult explosives to blow up a castle. The twist? you have different types of explosives from ones you "push" in the air, to one's that sprout wings and you "fly". There are shields and targets in the air that you aim to go through to up your score. You work through simple stages with different explosives to move through the map.

A very simple concept, but for a few pound what do you expect? The game is not designed to be played constantly, just more of a occasional mess around game. The kids have been taking turns for a while now and are enjoying the game itself. They are not so keen on taking turns and there is a co-op type option unfortunately due to our Kinect limitations it's not an option.

The game is repetitive, so again you wont spend the weekend locked away from society in order to find hidden gems, but if you want your kids to do something a little more active on a rainy day, then this may be the ticket.

Would I recommend this game? Well if you have the Kinect and have adequate space to make it work I think you could have a little fun with it, whether your drunk or have young children it's a basic entertainment game. I don't think the game itself would work outside of the Kinect style of game-play, but with it I'd rate it worthy of a slot on my memory.

I mentioned I got this game cheap, and I've seen some others I'm tempted to pick up; the site offers games for pc, console & phone and whilst some can be pricey I saw some decent discounts. I offered to go with the sites protection which ups the cost but it's worth it to ensure you get delivery and still a size-able discount - warning you get codes not disks. The site I am referred to is g2a.com in case your interested.


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