More than Space…

Article by Richard Smith

As we all know, things around the Outpost have been changing. Some things by baby steps and others by leaps and bounds. Behind a good portion of this work has been the crew of OTF's Marketing Team. We decided to catch up with Marketing Director, Kaela to see what is on the horizon.

BR: Marketing has been on quite a roll lately. First the new homepage, what’s next?

Kaela: We are working on a few projects to both try to bring in new members and keep current members coming back for more.  One of our ongoing projects to bring in new members is the banners and poster project.  We created posters that that people can print up and spread around.   However, our newest project is aimed at keeping both current chatters around and to bring new ones in.  We are going to have a tagline/motto competition! 

BR: Why change the tagline after 17 years?

Kaela:  We have expanded and “Space holds no boundaries” just isn’t inclusive any more.  It doesn’t really represent who we are. We have both science fiction and fantasy fans and we want both to be welcome. 

BR: How will a new tagline for the Outpost help us draw in new members?

Kaela:  We are going to use it in upcoming projects and add it to some banners and posters.   We are also going to use it in advertisements outside of outpost10f. The new tagline, whatever it is, will create interest.  We want people to ask, oh what is that?  

BR: Who is going to come up with these new tagline choices?

Kaela: That is the best part!  OTFers are going to come up with these taglines!  We are going to have a competition were everyone can submit a tagline or twenty!   After we have some finalist the people are going to vote on the tagline!  It is going to be a tagline created by OTFers and chosen by OTFers!  

BR: After they are submitted, then what happens?

Kaela: A small group of judges are going to pick the top ones.   After we have it narrowed down we are going to put it up for a vote, and the tagline with the most votes will be chosen!

BR: How soon will you be ready to accept entries?

Kaela:  Within the next few days!   So it is coming up very soon!

BR: When will the new tagline debut?

Kaela:  With all luck it should be by midsummer, once the voting is done we will reveal the winner and start using the tagline.

BR: How can our members help?

Kaela:  They can use the posters we have already made and they can submit the most creative taglines they can think of!  The more taglines the better! 

BR: Thanks for updating us!

Kaela: thank you for having me!


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