On Screen Movie Review

Article by Richard Smith

Well it was another trip to the drive in with my family this time to see Tomorrowland. I had seen the preview on Avengers; Age of Ultron and thought it looked pretty good. Alas like many movies these days, the preview drew more excitement than the actual film.

Is the glass half empty or half full? That is the question Tomorrowland tries to answer throughout the film. A young boy named Frank starts out as a starry eyed dreamer with the potential to make the world a better place. He is invited to Tomorrowland  by a "recruiter" named Athena at the New York World's Fair. He is given the T-Pin which is the invitation. Frank discovers that Tomorrowland is a wonderful place where dreams can indeed come true.

Years later another dreamer, Casey is also issued an invitation. She is the daughter of a NASA Engineer and has a talent for trespassing on NASA property. One night she is caught and sent to jail. After being bailed out she finds her pin among her things. When she touches it she see's Tomorrowland and all of it's promise. She however isn't really there. Her pin is just an invitation. Casey wonders where she got the pin and starts to do some investigating. After some pseudo-action Casey finds that Athena is responsible. After they finally meet each other they set off on a mission to find Frank.

At some point Frank invented a device that could help see what the future holds. What was shown was destruction and Frank lost hope and was forced to live in exile. The women find Frank, a paranoid and jaded man. After some more action from death squads Frank, Casey, and Athena make their was back to find Tomorrowland a desolate place and not the beacon of hope that Casey and Frank remember. Can the World and Tomorrowland be saved? Let's just put it this way... It's a Disney Flick.

Tomorrowland isn't the worst movie I've seen, but I don't think I would pay again to see it in a theatre setting. The acting isn't bad, but the plot is lacking. It jumps around too much for my taste and is effects driven rather than character driven. I didn't know what to expect from this movie, but the most I can say is that I has a good night out with my kids. I give Tomorrowland 2.5 Outpost's out of 5.


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