Democracy 3

Article by Ice

Well this time out I'm afraid my review is of a paid for game, sorry! Well in the UK we just had an election and it brought me back to this game which I bought a while back. Whenever there is a political campaign on the go you hear peoples views on everything ranging from welfare spending through to military. This game is basically just that you select the country you want to lead and then you lead it.

The game is very simple and I'm going to be blunt and say the graphics are boring and this isn't something that you will be involved in for months at a time, it's a simple strategy game, you make decisions to try and get re-elected, you may get assassinated if you annoy the wrong people.

It's quite interesting through, the options are limited for which country you can play as but there are plenty of mods on the Steam workshop if you want to try and run an Independent Scotland or maybe try your look with Israel.

The options are again quite basic, you select an option for example State Schools, do you lower the funding or do you increase it to give every student a laptop? Well whatever you do make sure you keep an eye on your budget because spending alot of money will win you alot of votes, but your credit rating will quickly degrade.

So you want alot of state housing to solve that homeless problem? Well whatever you do don't just build alot of them because the landlords will rally up to shoot you (no joke, they just assassinated me for introducing laws to cap private landlords rent increases).
As with all politics it's about a balance, helping the poor have a good quality of life whilst ensuring the wealthy don't leave and go elsewhere, ensuring education is gradually improved whilst ensuring theirs suitable jobs when they finish.

Like I said the game isn't a graphical revolution it's very plan and it's more about thinking how your "vision" of what the world should be may play out, are your left/right wing ideals going to sit well or would you bring the country to it's knee's.

It'll take you several attempted to become a permanent fixture and create a utopia but patience is key, pick your cabinet wisely and remember Rome wasn't built in a day. As I mentioned the recent UK election put my back into this but whether you have one or not if your remotely politically interested I'm sure you'd find a few hours of entertainment.  


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