The Alfore Encounter

Article by StealthKitty

Chapter 10: Grass Dancing

The community show area was built like a theater in the round. It had wide, graduating step-like levels but no seats. Spectators spread blankets and set cushions on available spaces on each step and sat cross legged in groups of families and friends.  A space had already been reserved for the Valkyrie's crew on the lowest level. Gomez and Shara sat there, along with the Track Cats and the Graya.

They had not thought to bring victuals, so food was graciously shared by other families. Kwan stepped out to the central performance area and held up both arms.  Immediately the audience quieted down.  He opened the ceremony with a prayer of Thanksgiving to the One and True for keeping every one safe and healthy thus far, then asked for a blessing upon the performance.  When he finished, the crowd waited in hushed anticipation.

The sound of many children singing to the accompaniment of drums, flutes, and bells grew progressively louder as they danced in. The children, aged two seasons to five, bore baskets full of dried grass, grass they systematically scattered across the performance floor until it was completely covered. Then they put aside their baskets and began to dance and sing in earnest.

"Their costumes are beautiful," Gomez whispered to Shara.

"Agreed. Their native dress closely resembles that of Earth's Native Americans in style," Shara replied.  For perhaps the thousandth time she wished she had a tricorder.

Suddenly there was a tremendous clamor and another group of children burst onto the scene. These children were older, perhaps eight to twelve seasons in age.  Wearing scary masks they rushed in growling and hissing and chased the other children out as the audience laughed and clapped. They too were attired in native clothing and they carried rake like tools which they used to rake up the dried grass as they sang and danced.

"I did not know a chore like that could be done in such an artful manner," Shara whispered to Tony.

"Before I entered Starfleet I traveled with a medical mission team to Haiti.  We rode donkeys up into the mountains and visited several villages to set up medical aid stations. The farmers would group together to till the land the old fashioned way with hand tools. The gang leader would sing a rhythmic song and the rest would respond and till the soil rhythmically to the beat. It helped to get the work done quickly and torelieve the monotony of the chore."

"I see," Shara responded.

The dancers had cleared the floor of all of the dried grass which they carted off in baskets. New baskets of freshly cut green grass were brought in and were being spread on the floor instead, all without missing a note or skipping a step. Once done, the dancers struck a lively new tune and danced out of the performance area.

Kwan stood once again.

"This is to officially announce that we have less than ninety days left till Spring Solstice. Watch your cats for early shedding. It might be early this year," he announced in sing-song Alyy.

 The unanimous response from the crowd was cheers and cries of joy. Shara could hardly blame them as they'd been cooped up for six months now. To say that the warm weather was greatly anticipated was an understatement.

 Kwan raised his arms to quiet the crowd. They quieted but anticipation was thick in the air.

"Now for this season's Blanket Dance." he announced. There was a great shift in the crowd as men and women rose from their places to line up. Shara’s two friends Ahn and Tukk hurried over and squatted next to her.

"Shara, you must come," they urged as they each took one arm and pulled her to her feet.

"Where are you taking me," Shara asked as they pulled her along to join a long line of young women.

"To do the Blanket Dance," Ahn replied.

"But I do not know...," Shara protested.

"Yes you do. We taught you the steps yesterday. You will do just fine. Remember the steps and follow the music," Ahn encouraged her.

Shara, like the rest of the women, was then blindfolded and admonished to hold two other women's hands as they were led out onto the dance floor and into a circle by the honored grandmother.

 Once on the dance floor, the women formed an inner circle and the men formed an outer circle. When the music started, the women started dancing clock wise: shuffle, shuffle, hop, shuffle, hop, hop.  The men in the outer circle did the same dance, only counter clockwise.  They were not blindfolded like the women.

After ten minutes of dancing, there was a subtle change in the tempo of the music. The men changed direction.  They were now moving with the women. They danced like this for another ten minutes.   Suspense was thick in the air.  One by one, each man would find the lady he'd chosen, take her by the hand, and they would leave the circle together.  This happened until every woman had been chosen.

That's when the dancing stopped and the blindfolds were removed.  No surprise to Shara, Tony was the one holding her hand.  What came next, however, was a complete shock!

Like the rest of the men, Tony was wearing an elaborately patterned blanket tied at his neck so it hung like a cape down his back.  He untied it and wrapped it around both Shara and himself.

Kwan again stepped into the circle.  All eyes were on him as he began addressing the men.  "With your Blanket of Shelter, do you pledge to protect, love and cherish the one within?  Do you promise to be faithful to her and only her until you walk on.  Do you pledge this in the sight and hearing of The One and True who sees, hears and knows all?

The men all replied as one, “I so pledge and promise, pledging in the sight and hearing of The One and True who sees, hears and knows all!”

I now pray blessings, prosperity, health and protection on each couple.  Blessed be The One and True," Kwan beseeched aloud.

"Azini," everyone replied.  It was the Alforian equivalent of amen.

It was quite obvious to Shara that she had been wedded to the doctor in a mass Alforian ceremony, but that didn't stop her from inquiring.  Turning to face him, she asked, "We are married?"

The doctor drew back a bit as she looked like she wanted to punch him in the nose.  "Yes it does."

"I would sincerely appreciate it if, in the future, you would warn me first before taking rash actions such as this."  Shara knew full well her words had fallen on deaf ears.  After all, Humans were known for their spontaneous and irrational behavior. Especially this human!

"I can't promise that Chica."  he replied.

At least he is honest, Shara thought.  "I understand.  I am exceedingly fond of you nevertheless," Shara told him. "Now I am hungry and I would like to try some of that Alforian ice wine as well," she continued as she led him back to the seating area where a great picnic and reception like celebration had gotten underway.


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