After a break for the holidays and some technical difficulties, the Tribune is ready to face a new year and a second year of challenges! I want to thank everyone who offered to help get the Tribune back up and running as its' editor is inept techincally. I had several people step forward just to help, CL2 and up, and I thank those people! Iain answered the call, having dealt with the editor's emergencies before, and fixed the big problem and some others that were bothering the edtior!

But while the whole office is rejoicing that the Tribune is back, we are also saddened. The Assistant Team Leader of our own Publishing Team and AM2 of Communications, CL7 Sidne, has stepped down from her position. We welcome Cinna, but also thank a very good friend for her sacrifices over the last year and so. We have an editorial from her, a final good-bye from her to Communications, and the Enquirer writers think they know why she left!

This year we are also working more closely with Guilds to fill their section of the Tribune. They answered in big numbers for this first edition of the year and I hope we can continue this awesome writing relationship we have. They have some exciting news for you on top of some words from the Executive Council on some updates they have from their department. Birthdays also puts a new spin on their little section of the Tribune.

This is a jam packed edition and I hope you enjoy everything! Have some laughs, read some rants, and keep up-to-date with the Tribune!

 Chief Editorial: Placed Blame
 War On Drugs

 Trivia December Challenge
 Rumor Mill
 February Birthdays
 Space News


 13 Differences Between Men And Women
 OTF Chatsaves
 One Eyed Date
 Best Out-of-Office Auto Replies
 Two Women Arriving In Heaven

 Conflicts in Communications Result in Resignation
 Mortal Enemies
 Partytime in OTF!
 Peace Talks Begin Between Agents and Wizards

 Behind The Entry: He Left Her
 Introducing Your Music Guild
 Excitement In The Poetry Guild
 Passion Behind the New Writing Guild

 Officer Bio: CL4 Polgara
 Casanova Review
 Publishing Bio: CL5 Alex
 Final Goodbye to Communications
 King Kong Review
 New NHL Season: Mid-Season Report
 Trek Soaps: Days Of Jen's Life Episode 2

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